The Ultimate Guide to Setting Up an Insectimo Stick Insect POD

Insectimo POD

If you're interested in keeping stick insects as pets, the Insectimo Stick Insect POD is a great option.

This guide will walk you through the process of setting up your POD, including choosing the right size, substrate, and decorations, as well as providing tips for feeding and caring for your stick insects.



Choose the right location for your POD.


Insectimo Mister

Before setting up your Insectimo Stick Insect POD, it's important to choose the right location. Stick insects prefer warm, humid environments, so it's best to place your POD in a room that stays between 20-25Ā°C and has some humidity.

Use the spray bottle daily to ensure your pets have adequate moisture. Avoid placing your POD in direct sunlight or near a drafty area. A quiet, low-traffic area is also ideal to minimise stress on your stick insects.

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Set up the substrate and decorations.


Insectimo Base-Peat
Once you have chosen the location for your Insectimo Stick Insect POD, it's time to set up the substrate and decorations. The substrate is the material that lines the bottom of the POD and provides a surface for your stick insects to climb on. You can use a variety of materials, such as coconut fiber, sphagnum moss, or peat moss.


Add a layer of substrate that is at least 5cm deep to allow your stick insects to burrow and hide.

Next, add some decorations such as branches, leaves, and twigs for your stick insects to climb on and hide behind.

Make sure the decorations are clean and free of any pesticides or chemicals.


What do Stick Insects Eat?


Stick Insects as Pets

Stick insects are herbivores and their diet mainly consists of leaves. The specific type of leaves they prefer to eat may vary depending on the species of stick insect.Ā 

Some species of stick insects prefer to feed on the leaves of specific plants while others may eat a variety of different leaves. In general, stick insects prefer to eat fresh, green leaves, and may avoid leaves that have been treated with pesticides or other chemicals.

In captivity, stick insects that are endemic to Australia can be fed a variety ofInsectimo Branch Jarleaves such asĀ wattle and eucalyptus leaves. It's important to ensure that the leaves are pesticide-free and free from any other contaminants. Additionally, it's important to provide fresh leaves regularly, as stick insects will not eat wilted or dry leaves.Ā 

At We Know Pets, we sell Goliath and Spiny Stick Insects. Stick Insects as pets will live between 9 and 10 months with proper care.

Learn more about keeping Stick Insects as Pets Here.

Add the stick insects to the POD.


Once you have set up the substrate and decorations in your Insectimo Stick Insect POD, it's time to add your stick insects. Gently place them in the POD and make sure they have plenty of space to move around and climb. Stick insects are social creatures, so it's best to keep at least two together.

Make sure to provide them with fresh food and water regularly, and clean the POD as needed to maintain a healthy environment for your stick insects. With proper care, your stick insects will thrive in their new home.


Provide proper lighting and temperature.


Insectimo Insect Light

In addition to substrate, decorations, and food, stick insects also require proper lighting and temperature to thrive. A temperature range of 20-25Ā°C is ideal for most species of stick insects, and a heat lamp or ceramic heater can be used to maintain this temperature. It's also important to provide a light source for your stick insects, as they require a day/night cycle to regulate their behaviour and metabolism.

A simple LED light on a timer can be used to provide this cycle. Be sure to monitor the temperature and lighting regularly to ensure your stick insects are comfortable and healthy.


Maintain the POD and monitor the health of your stick insects.

Once your Insectimo Stick Insect POD is set up, it's important to regularly maintain it and monitor the health of your stick insects. This includes cleaning the enclosure, replacing substrate and decorations as needed, and checking for any signs of illness or injury in your stick insects.

By regularly maintaining your POD and monitoring the health of your stick insects, you can ensure that they thrive in their new home.

Ā© weknowpets 2023