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Relaxopet PRO Animal Relaxation Trainer - Dog
Relaxopet PRO Animal Relaxation Trainer - Dog
Relaxopet PRO Animal Relaxation Trainer - Dog

Relaxopet PRO Animal Relaxation Trainer - Dog


Regular price $159.95 Sale

RelaxoPet pro dog relaxation system is a drug-free solution for dogs suffering with anxiety. Using motion sensors, the Relaxopet will swing into action to settle your dog. Created in collaboration with vets & animal behaviourist, this system emits soothing, subliminal vibrations that have been programed to a frequency that will have a calming affect on your pet.

Recommended for:
-Excessive barking
-Separation anxiety
-Thunderstorm & fireworks
-General anxiety

Ideal for use before a stressful situation such as fireworks or thunderstorms. It is portable, making it ideal for car trips, trips to the vet or groomer or new surroundings.
Fast charge LI battery via USB, up to 16 hour battery life.