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CatIt Creamy Cat LikiMat
CatIt Creamy Cat LikiMat

CatIt Creamy Cat LikiMat


Regular price $12.95 Sale

The Catit Creamy Lickimat is the perfect way to treat your feline friend to a delicious and interactive snack time. The ribbed texture design helps to slow down their eating pace, making the treat last longer and promoting healthy digestion. Made from food grade silicone, it is safe for your cat to lick and chew on. It can be used with multiple wet foods, including Catit Creamy treats, and is dishwasher safe for easy cleaning.

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- Ribbed texture design to slow down eating pace
- Can be used with multiple wet foods, including Catit Creamy treats
- Made from food grade silicone
- Dishwasher safe for easy cleaning
- Promotes healthy digestion by slowing down eating pace
- Provides an interactive and enjoyable snack time for your cat
- Can be used with a variety of wet foods for versatility
- Easy to clean and maintain for convenience.