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The Advantages of Using a Pet Drinking Fountain Over a Water Bowl

The Advantages of Using a Pet Drinking Fountain Over a Water Bowl

Keeping your furry friend hydrated is essential for their health and well-being. While a traditional water bowl may seem like the obvious choice, a pet drinking fountain can offer numerous benefits.

From encouraging your pet to drink more water to reducing the risk of certain health issues, here's why you should consider upgrading your pet's hydration game with a drinking fountain. 

Not only does it provide a continuous flow of fresh water, but it also offers several advantages over a traditional water bowl. Read on to learn more.



What are some health issues that result from not drinking enough water in dogs & cats?

Not drinking enough water can cause a range of health issues in dogs and cats, including:
  1. Dehydration: The most obvious consequence of not drinking enough water is dehydration, which can cause a range of symptoms including lethargy, sunken eyes, dry mouth and nose, and decreased skin elasticity.

  2. Kidney problems: Adequate water intake is essential for proper kidney function. If a pet doesn't drink enough water, it can lead to a buildup of toxins in the body and put extra strain on the kidneys, which can increase the risk of kidney disease.

  3. Urinary tract infections: Insufficient water intake can also increase the risk of urinary tract infections, as it can cause the urine to become more concentrated and create an environment that is more favorable to bacterial growth.

  4. Constipation: When pets don't drink enough water, it can lead to constipation, as the stool becomes dry and hard, making it more difficult to pass.

  5. Overheating: Water is essential for regulating body temperature, and pets that don't drink enough water are more susceptible to overheating, particularly in hot weather.

In general, it's important to make sure that dogs and cats have access to fresh,Advantages of using a Pet Water Fountain clean water at all times, and to encourage them to drink regularly throughout the day. If you notice that your pet is not drinking enough water, it's important to consult with your veterinarian to determine the underlying cause and develop an appropriate treatment plan.


How Do Pet Drinking Fountains Work?

Pet fountains use a motorised pump to constantly circulate and filter the water, keeping it cool, fresh, and aerated.

This not only encourages your pet to drink more water, but also helps to prevent the growth of bacteria and other harmful substances. Plus, the sound and movement of the water can be soothing and calming for your pet, making it a great addition to any home.

Encourages Hydration in Dogs and Cats.

 A drinking fountain encourages your pet to drink more water, which is essential for their overall health and well-being. The continuous flow of water is more appealing to pets than stagnant water in a bowl, and the sound of running water can also be stimulating for them drink. This is especially important for cats, who are known to have a low thirst drive and may not drink enough water from a bowl. By providing a drinking fountain, you can ensure that your pet stays hydrated and healthy. 

Why are Cats Drawn to Running Water?

Cats are instinctively drawn to running water because it is more appealing to them than still water. This is because in the wild, running water is generally safer and more likely to be fresh than stagnant water, which may be contaminated with bacteria or other harmful substances.

Additionally, cats have a natural instinct to hunt and catch their prey, and running water can simulate the movement of prey such as fish or other small creatures. This can make running water particularly interesting to cats and encourage them to play and engage in behavior that is similar to their hunting instincts.

Pet Fountains Reduces the Risk of Health Issues in Cats and Dogs.

One of the biggest advantages of a drinking fountain for pets is that it can reduce the risk of health issues. When pets don't drink enough water, they can become dehydrated, which can lead to a variety of health problems such as urinary tract infections, kidney disease, and even organ failure. By providing a constant supply of fresh, clean water, a drinking fountain can help prevent these issues and keep your pet healthy and happy. Additionally, some drinking fountains come with filters that remove impurities and improve the taste of the water, making it even more appealing to your pet.

Pet Fountains Provides Fresh and Clean Water.

One of the biggest advantages of a drinking fountain for pets is that it provides a constant supply of fresh and clean water. Unlike stagnant water in a bowl, the water in a drinking fountain is constantly flowing and being filtered, which helps to remove impurities and keep the water clean. This can help prevent the growth of bacteria and other harmful substances that can make your pet sick.

Additionally, some drinking fountains come with replaceable filters that remove impurities and improve the taste of the water, making it even more appealing to your pet.

Pet Drinking Fountains Reduces Mess and Spills-Especially from Dogs!

Some dogs are known to be vigorous  when it comes to drinking from a water bowl. This is often because they need to lap up from the bowl with their head down.  Many pet fountains have a raised height which makes it easier for big dogs to reach the water source without having to lower their heads too much. This can be especially helpful for older dogs or those with mobility issues.

 Another advantage of a drinking fountain for pets is that it can reduce mess and spills. With a traditional water bowl, pets may accidentally knock it over or splash water out while drinking, leading to a wet and potentially slippery floor. A drinking fountain, on the other hand, is designed to contain the water and prevent spills. This can save you time and effort in cleaning up after your pet, and also help prevent accidents and injuries.

Entertains and Stimulates Your Pet.

A drinking fountain can also provide entertainment and stimulation for your pet. Many fountains have flowing water, which can be fascinating and engaging for pets to watch and play with - cats are especially drawn to running water!

This can help keep them occupied and mentally stimulated, which is especially important for indoor pets who may not have access to as much environmental enrichment as outdoor pets. Additionally, the sound of flowing water can be soothing and calming for pets, which can help reduce stress and anxiety.

Tips for Using a Pet Drinking Fountain.

Here are some tips for using a pet fountain:

  1. Clean the fountain regularly: It is important to regularly clean the

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    fountain to prevent the buildup of dirt, hair, and other debris. Follow the manufacturer's instructions on how often to clean the fountain and how to clean it properly.

  2. Keep the water level consistent: Make sure to keep the water level in the fountain consistent. Most fountains have a maximum fill line, and it is important not to overfill the fountain or let the water level get too low. This can help prevent damage to the pump and ensure a steady flow of water for your pet.

  3. Change the water frequently: Even with a filter, it is important to change Pet One Deluxe Drinking Fountain Carbon Cartridge 2pk Part Number 25502C 502Cthe water in the fountain frequently. This will help keep the water fresh and prevent the growth of bacteria.

  4. Place the fountain in a suitable location: Choose a location for the fountain that is away from direct sunlight and heat sources, as this can cause the water to evaporate more quickly and reduce the effectiveness of the filter. Also, place it on a stable surface where it won't tip over.

  5. Train your pet to use the fountain: Some pets may be hesitant to use a fountain at first. Encourage your pet to use the fountain by placing their favorite treats or toys near it. You can also try turning on the fountain while your pet is watching to pique their curiosity.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your pet fountain is functioning properly and providing clean and fresh water for your furry friend.


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